Somali intellectuals and influencers on ‘War in Laascaanood & the future of SSC-Khatumo’ | PART I

Somali intellectuals and influencers on ‘War in Laascaanood & the future of SSC-Khatumo’ | PART I

On 6 February 2023, SSC Traditional Leaders and a 33-Member Committee issued the ‘Laascaanood Declaration’ where a 45-member body was elected to administer SSC-Khatumo and where it was declared that “we are not part of the Somaliland administration an that we have never agreed to or participated in the secession program … and that SSC-Khatumo territories are part of the Federal Republic of Somalia; and they stand for the unity and integrity of the Somali Federal Republic.”

In addition, the ‘Laascaanood Declaration’ unequivocally stated that “Somaliland administration should respect the desire and the will of  SSC-Khatumo people toward their self-determination, and Somaliland administration should withdraw its troops from the territory of SSC-Khatumo without any conditions.”

As the “Laascaanood Declaration’ communique was to be announced, Somaliland began raining down artillery shells on the city, and the war for Laascaanood that began on 6 February rages on to this day.

As the war rages on, death toll mounts, Somaliland clan loyalties fray, and Hargeisa experiences political disarray, Daljir Media reached out to a number of Somali intellectuals and influencers, and we posed them two questions on the ‘War in Laascaanood and the future of SSC-Khatumo.’

We will run a series on what Somali intellectuals and influencers think of the war in Laascaanood, the role of or the lack thereof of  Villa Somalia, and the way forward for both Somaliland and SSC-Khatumo.

We begin with Abukar Arman, a Somali political analyst, writer and former Special Envoy to the United States. Arman is also a widely published foreign policy specialist, writing extensively on Somalia and international political affairs. His latest book BROKEN CAMEL BELLS: Somalia’s Age of Terrorism 2006-2022 is available on Amazon.

Question 1: The people of SSC-KHATUMO, the 33-member Committee and most importantly SSC-KHATUMO traditional leaders have triggered Article 47(2) and they have clearly stated that they aren’t party to Somaliland’s secession project, and that they want to be a Federal Member State under the jurisdiction of the federal government of Somalia. So far, neither President Hassan Sh. Mohamoud nor PM Hamza Abdi Barre have provided an understandable answer to the people of SSC-KHATUMO and they haven’t even declared that SSC-KHATUMO is under the jurisdiction of the FG of Somalia and not under the jurisdiction of  secession seeking Somaliland. What is preventing President Hassan Sheikh and his PM Hamza Abdi Barre from protecting the flag and standing up for the unity of Somalia, and in the process perhaps providing the answer to the unity of Somalia the people of SSC-KHATUMO seek?

Abukar Arman: It is not by sheer coincidence that Somalis of all walks of life and political entities are now overwhelmingly supporting the Laascanood (Las Anod) initiative to liberate SSC-KHATUMO from Somaliland tyranny that is personified by the un-democractic despot, Muse Bihi Abdi. It is the only moral, legal Somali cause that is devoid of foreign machinations.

After ruthless pattern of targeted assassinations, heavy weapon attacks on residential houses, hospitals, and Las Anod essential infrastructure, the traditional leaders, clan militia, intellectuals, business and religious leaders joined together to set their differences aside and form SSC-Khatumo state that is independent of the Somaliland regime. This body of representatives has held a grand assembly and issued a joint statement in which they invoked Article 47(2) and expressed in no uncertain terms that they are no longer part of Somaliland, and that they are ready to join the Federal Government of Somalia as its newest federal state.

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and PM Hamza Abdi Barre initially welcomed this epic development with deafening silence and later with dizzying equivocation. Why? Because, the foreign trio supporting Bihi’s crimes against humanity to force the SOOL region to remain in the secession project–US, UK, UAE–wants it that way.

Question 2: What is the role of Djibouti and IOG in supporting Somaliland’s desire to secede from Somalia? And if he does have a role, why does IOG support, and how does he politically and economically profit from such a risky venture?

Abukar Arman: Contrary to the prevalent perception, Djibouti President Ismail Omar Guelleh is not driven by that old Igal-Jimale clanish concoction of Irir-Samaale. He is the designated broker to ensure the secession project is finalized ala Sudan and South Sudan so that AFRICOM gets Berbera free of any contention. Both HSM and HAB were on board till Las Anod stole the show. Unfortunately, they will stay the course and continue to provide cover for Bihi until it becomes clear to the US: without Sool, Sanaag and Cayn, America would be in partnership with one sub-clan.

Guelleh is a dictator and Machiviallian strategist who has succeeded in bringing eight world powers of competing interests to build military bases in his tiny country. He is considered by all as an effective man to do business with. So, the US still wants to remain in that crowded port (Djibouti) for recreation, intelligence, and other strategic purposes, but it is determined to acquire Berbera as an exclusive base.


Stay tuned to next series with Elham Garaad, Rashid Abdi, Faisal Roble, M. Mubarak, Mohamoud Gaildon and more Somali intellectuals and influencers.



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