Fierce clashes between US linked forces and insurgents in Somalia

Fierce clashes between US linked forces and insurgents in Somalia

Fierce clashes between US trained Somali special forces from the Danab Brigade and Al-Qaeda linked militants from Al-Shabaab erupted on the border between the regions of Galgaduud and Middle Shabelle.

The encounter unfolded after Al-Shabaab fighters launched an assault on troops from the Danab Brigade, sparking a pitch battle between both sides.

State run media (SNTV) claimed to have killed 150 Al-Shabaab fighters, while Al-Shabaab claimed to have neutralized 11 Danab soldiers.

Daljir Media is unable to vouch for the claims made by both sides but whats for sure is that the region were todays latest clashes unfolded has witnessed an uptick in military operations in recent weeks.

The Somali government is attempting to dislodge Al-Shabaab from Ceel-Buur and Galhareeri, which are the last two militant strongholds in the Galgaduud region, with Al-Shabaab aiming to preoccupy wear down government troops with tit for skirmishes and attacks.

Daljir Media Service Desk.


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