As rumors of the cancellation of a UNDP retreat in Borama by the orders of the separatist, Israeli-recognition seeking regime of Muse Bihi eventually were proven to be correct, renown corruption fighter and a member of Federal Government of Somalia Parliament Abdullahi Hashi Abib drafted a letter to the head of the UNDP Somalia Joceyln Mason.

MP Abib tells Joceyln and the UNDP that he is “appalled by the email sent by Ms. Jelena Raketic, UNDP Deputy Resident Representative (Operations), informing staff that the retreat was canceled due to circumstances beyond their control. This decision is not only deeply troubling but outright unacceptable.”

Since it’s establishment, it has always been and to date remains the modus operandi of Somaliland that no project, event or even a gathering can be held outside of the Hargeisa-Berbera-Burao clan triangle. Anything beyond these tribal areas were always and are still considered no go areas. And no one has ever objected to until SSC-Khatumo said no and then liberated their territories from Somaliland subjugation.

Same policy is now being applied to Awdal State, where Borama is now declared a no go area for international and UN agencies. That is until MP Abib came into the picture.

MP Abib tells Joceyln and the UNDP that “Borama was chosen for this retreat because it is one of the safest cities in Somalia, where people walk the streets at any hour without fear for their safety. It is a city where community members value neighborly safety, where elders, business communities, intellectuals, civil society, and all citizens abide by tradition and the rule of law. It is a place where Somalis from Kismayo, Baydhabo, Mogadishu, Jowhar, Dhusamareeb, Galkayo, Garowe, Las Anod, Buroa, Zayla, and beyond can live peacefully and are treated as equals. Borama is an inclusive city where anyone can buy property or enroll their children in some of the top schools and universities in Somalia.”

So why would UNDP cancel the retreat then?

Again MP Abib wants to know why UNDP would “cancel the retreat without consulting the elected Mayor, BoramaDistrict Council, elders, community leaders, civil society, and Islamic clergy,” and he then calls the cancellation decision “not just reckless, it is a slap in the face to all those who uphold peace and inclusivity in Borama. This action by the UNDP is a gross violation of its responsibility to serve all Somali citizens. It is blatantly clear that this decision was influenced by the corrupt and illegitimate regime that seeks to monopolize international donations for the benefit of their own tribe, callously neglecting the rest of the country. This pattern of marginalization has persisted for the past 33 years while international donors shamefully turn a blind eye to the looting, misappropriation, and mistreatment faced by my constituency.”

And then comes the warning from MP Abib as he he tells them, “This is also a stern warning to all UN agencies and international NGOs: if you do not allocate funds equitably and continue to abide by an illegitimate regime that marginalizes my constituency or any other constituencies, I will take action to cancel your certifications to operate in Somalia. You are all violating the rights of Somali citizens to receive development projects funded in their name.”

Click here to read the Letter from MP Abib to UNDP: Condemnation of UNDP’s Unjust Decision to Cancel Borama Retreat.

Contributed to by Daljir staff in Garoowe.


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