Mismanagement at the Central Bank of Somalia (CBS) once again takes center stage in Mogadishu. This time it is the executives of the bank harassing the employees, and it got so bad that MP Abdullahi Hashi Abib has written a letter to the Deputy Governor of the Bank, the only CBS executive whose mandate has been officially renewed by Villa Somalia, whereas the mandate of the Bank’s top executives has already expired and has yet to be officially renewed.

MP Abib alleges that “The situation has deteriorated to such an extent that one employee, overwhelmed by the stress and fear induced by the relentless harassment and threats from the Governor, GM, and ED, was hospitalized for heart issues. This individual health crisis underscores the severe impact of the toxic work environment on the well-being of the staff. It was only after I personally wrote to the President and made my letter public that this employee’s job was reinstated and his salary released, highlighting the dire need for intervention at the highest levels to address these injustices.”

On the issue of internal leaks, it is alleged that the top bank executives are blaming employees of leaking sensitive correspondences; however, MP Abib alleges the “accusation is not only unfounded but also hypocritical, as these very officials have been involved in leaking information and undermining each other. They have shared negative information with the State Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the Senior Advisor to the President – the current Ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.”

In a clear cut case of the criminal investigating his crime, MP Abib calls it “deeply troubling that those who leaked the Central Bank of Somalia documents to Villa Somalia are now heading the committee investigating the leaked documents. This situation not only compromises the integrity of the investigation but also casts a long shadow of doubt over the process, raising serious concerns about inherent conflicts of interest and bias.”

One example of the internal squabbles and finger pointing at the CBS is the $40 million Somalia currency project funded by World Bank that CBS executives failed to deliver in a timely manner. With five days remaining of the World Bank deadline, evasion, leaks and finger-pointing commenced within the bank’s top executives and Executive Director Hundubey sends a WhatsApp message to group that included Ali Balcad. Hundubey accused the Governor and the General Manager of not delivering and wrote, “I don’t see any urgency from the leadership to safe the project. We are so close to realizing Somalia having its banknotes, so we need the President to intervene and save this important project. It is a symbol of unity for our country.”

Alas, instead of a national unity to take pride in, the message was leaked and it gave birth to disunity and finger pointing at the bank, which eventually led to accusations and harassments against innocent bank employees.

On the issue of past retirement age executives where both General Manager Faracadde and Executive Director Hundubey are both over the age of 70, MP Abib accuses the Bank of having “failed to enact the CBS HR Policy, Article 32, Clauses 8 (1, 2, 3, & 4), which strictly prohibits the hiring of individuals over the age of 60. This highlights the failure of the Central Bank’s commitment to age-based employment regulations. This policy is designed to cultivate a youthful and innovative workforce, ostensibly to enhance professional development opportunities for younger employees. Both the Governor and Board have flagrantly undermined the reform by rehiring retirees over the age of 60 as permanent GM and ED.”

With reinstatement of both executives now in the works, MP Abib alleges that “by reinstating older personnel, the leadership has effectively reversed the intended impact of the reform, perpetuating inefficiencies and stagnation within the Bank.”

Click here for MP Abdullahi Hashi Abib’s LETTER to the Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Somalia.

Contributed to by Daljir staff in Garoowe and Mogadishu


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