QUESTS-MIDA – Ma tahay Xirfadle Shaqo-raadis ah?

QUESTS-MIDA – Ma tahay Xirfadle Shaqo-raadis ah?

QUESTS-MIDA – Ma tahay Xirfadle shaqo-raadis ah? Haddii haah, hoos ka baar fursado bannaan:

MIDA – Who We Are: The platform known in the International Organization for Migration (IOM) parlance as Migration for Development in Africa (MIDA) is a holistic approach to development programming that provides durable solutions to governments in need by using the country’s diaspora as the primary instrument. The Programme which comes under the Labour Mobility and Human Development Division is so flexible that it works well at all levels of government. MIDA can be calibrated to provide solutions wherever gaps are needed to be filled. In many cases, MIDA serves as a component of a broader development scheme. MIDA complements key partners’ broader development strategies by providing support to the social and economic advancement of developing countries, to foster their national human resource development and to counter the negative effects of “brain drain” by encouraging “brain circulation” instead.


  • Khalid 5 years ago

    Magacaygy wa Khalid axmed Ku nool magalada hargisa xirfadle ganacsi waxa idher oo aan haysta shahdad kowad ee digri nersina waxa aqoon iyo khibrad u leeyahay wayo aragnimo 6sana u leeyahay sales 252634156346

  • magacaygu waa khadar Abdulahi
    jooga bosaso waxaana ahay xirfadleh pharmacy

  • Nasteexo 6 years ago

    magacygu wa nasteexo wxn joga dalka wxn ahy ardy hysta shahdada kowad ee jmcda ee health science wxn klo ahy public health , N nutrution wxn klo leyahy skills fara badan wxn cod snya in aan ahy muwadin shaqo donah

    • Asc Magaceygu waa Ahmed Mohamed wxan ku nololhy muqdisho waxan ahay arday dhamey herkii kowad ee jamacad waliba waxan beystaa laba shado oo kalah ha
      》 Islamic banking and finance 》》human resources management >Professionals
      Waxan kasoo shaqeye 2014 2017
      》 Libaan Group of company location howldaga
      《sellman@ liban Group of companies
      》8months waxan kasoo sheqeyo oo an internship kuso primers banking
      《4 months waxan ka shaqeynay costumer service
      》 months waxan ka shaqeyna roller
      《2018 2019
      》 Teaching@ Moth and physics Aplha primary and secondary schools school

      • Asc Magaceygu waa Ahmed Mohamed wxan ku nololhy muqdisho waxan ahay arday dhamey herkii kowad ee jamacad waliba waxan beystaa laba shado oo kalah ha
        》 Islamic banking and finance 》》human resources management >Professionals
        Waxan kasoo shaqeye 2014 .2017
        》 Libaan Group of company location howldaga
        《sellman@ liban Group of companies
        》8months waxan kasoo sheqeyo oo an internship kuso primers banking
        《4 months waxan ka shaqeynay costumer service
        》 4months waxan ka shaqeyna roller
        《2018 .2019
        》 Teaching@ Moth and physics Aplha primary and secondary schools school

  • abdulahi said nuur 6 years ago

    abdulahi said nur joga dalka gudahiisa heesta shahaado dugsi sare aad u jecel shaqo abuur

  • apdi najiib ismail barre 6 years ago

    magacaygu waa apdi najiib ismail barre waxan jooga magalada barbera waxan ahay shaqo doon xirfaduleh computer and internetka hadii shaqo ka banan TAHAY igla soo xidhiidha ( 0634140783 ) hadu ALLAH (SWT) YIDHAAHDO INCHA ALLAH

  • My deqa hussein i am student and i live in india , after one year i will finish my degree but i have a few diploma in united nations and also human resource management and i am studying in political science , economy and public admin and i am ready for ur job if i finish my degree i wish my self with good lucky and also somali job seekers all the best

    • Abdishakur 6 years ago

      Asc walal deqa waad guulaysan inshaalaah

      • khadar maxamed 6 years ago

        waxaan ku noollahay hargaysa waxaan xirfad u lee ahay mobile qaybta hard iyo soft

        iyo computer waxaan ka loon xirfad u leehay computerka iyo internetka waxaan ka loon xirfad uleehay copyiyada soo saar warqada hadii ay shaqooyinkaa meelka labarkan halkan igala soo xidhiidh tell 0634502141

  • mohamad ahmad 6 years ago

    i am job seeker
    i am a clinical nurse
    i live in bososo
    i need a job

    you can contact me
    [email protected]

  • Abdirazak Omer Ahmed 6 years ago

    waxaan ahay arday haysta
    shahaadada kowaad ee dhaqaalaha jaamacada camuud sidoo kale waxaan haystaa sadex diploma oo kala ah bangiyada islaamka, maaraynta mashaariicda, iyo kumbiyuutarka waxaan ahay shaqo raadis waan filayaa codsigayga inaad aqbali doontaan bi idnillaah mahadsanidin

  • abdulkadir gurey 6 years ago


  • abdinasir 6 years ago

    asc magacaygu waa abdinasir jooga bosaso waxaan ahay darawal mudo dher ku soo shaqaynayay wafano badan sidad kenya uganda iyo south sudan haystana laysinka kenya sidoo kale waxaan ahaystaa shahadada computerka oo diplom ah iyo shahadad saxafada ayana diplom ah.

  • maryama ahmed 6 years ago

    waxan ahy xirfadle Sameyn kra ubx shumca lashito dhowr noc kasmyn kra sameyn kra ubxyada darbiga lagu qurxisto iyo xirfdo kle

  • Maxmuud 6 years ago

    I need jop I am student In Bussnes and I wen jop that related in BBA and i have skill More then 2 years thnki you

  • warsame 6 years ago

    i cmplted faculty of public health i need for a job

  • Samiro 6 years ago

    I am medical Doctor
    I have public health certificate
    I have Experiance of manager 
    I am orator becouse i am good lecturer
    I live in mogadishu
    I want a job 

  • ibrahim adan 6 years ago

    need job from Iom offivers mogadisho
    somali /iam ibrahim adan Elmi from /nurses and
    pharmacists /tranlators me and my bather dr
    adam xuseen dha kindly give us job /
    contact us [email protected]

  • ahmed abdinaser 7 years ago

    waxan donyaa shqo wxn ahay ardy dhmysy jamcada kuliya ict wxn ku nolhay hargesia

  • ahmed 7 years ago

    i need jo

  • faysalshukri Elmi 7 years ago

    I need job from Iom offivers Hargeysa somaliland /iam faysalshukri Elmi from alpha university Hargeysa somaliland PHO/nurses and pharmacists /tranlators me and my wife dr Amina mohamoud yussuf kindly give us job /contact us [email protected]

  • Abwan Abdi raxman maxamed 7 years ago

    Abwaaan Ku wanagsan xayeysiinta sidoo kale wariye madax banaan

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