Guriceel: Fursad Shaqo ICRC – Kalkaaliye Hawlaha Mashruuca ee Waqooyiga Galgaduud

Guriceel: Fursad Shaqo ICRC – Kalkaaliye Hawlaha Mashruuca ee Waqooyiga Galgaduud

Fursaddu waxay ku egtahay 7 Luulyo, qofkii gudan kara shaqada email ha u diro emailka [email protected], soona raaci taariikh-shaqeedkaaga.



Interested and qualified persons with the required experience are invited to submit their application letter and curriculum vitae to the Head of Human Resources Department, ICRC Somalia Delegation, on the email address [email protected]The closing date is 7th July 2017. Please indicate the position title in the subject line of your email message.


· Monitors and reports on the political, military, economic and social developments and their impact on the communities

· Identifies humanitarian needs resulting from the conflict or natural factors, and propose course of action

· Plans on humanitarian activities within the AoR

· Develops and maintains a network of contacts among local authorities, parties to the conflict, traditional leaders, humanitarian organisations and members of civil society

· Represents the ICRC with a view to strengthen its acceptance, access and security, and the respect of its principles of neutrality, impartiality and independence

· Facilitates and contributes to the effective implementation of projects in coordination with the field officer and specialists

· Highlights potential constraints, challenges or even threats related to the environment in which activities take place and proposes adjustments

· Regularly reviews the security situation in the area and maintains contact with the relevant stakeholders

· Provides timely and regular reporting on the security situation within the AoR

· Maintains communication flow on all aspects relevant to the function


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