Doolow: Fursad Shaqo World Vision – Maamule Mashruuca BORESHA ee Xadka

Doolow: Fursad Shaqo World Vision – Maamule Mashruuca BORESHA ee Xadka

Fursaddu waxay ku egtahay 14 Siteenbar 2017. Faahfaahinta iyo habka arjida HALKAN RIIX.




To provide managerial oversight support to WVs Cross border project in Mandera(K) and Gedo Somalia aimed at preventing local conflict or to mitigate its impacts, to promote economic and private sector development and greater resilience and to support transboundary cooperation and coordination of cross border initiatives. Catalyze communities to access a more diverse range of livelihoods and employment and encourage individuals to invest in each other, and in themselves. Build Stronger collective engagement with the preservation and common use of natural resources will help communities invest in their localities and in land. The position is responsible for all aspects of implementation, including assisting in partner identification, hiring and performance management of World Vision staff, capacity building of partners and World Vision staff, proposal and budget development and report writing. He/she will take an active role in assessments and evaluation exercises in an effort to improve quality and increase scope of DRR and resilience programming. The position will work closely with the Sector lead and key WVK/WV Somalia staff in ensuring smooth implementation within the EU funded ‘BORESHA project at the field level and will share information to relevant cluster groups, coordination mechanisms, government ministries, and INGO/LNGOs.


Project and Budget Management:

  • Provide guidance and technical support to the implementation of the ‘BORESHA’ Programme on Resilience in Mandera (K) and Gedow (Som), including resilience related interventions in the context of the program as approved by the EU.
  • Identify and ensure linkages between recovery, governance, conflict prevention, natural resource management, climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction interventions.
  • Provide technical support to Sector leads/Specialists and field programmes on integration of DRR/CCA in the sector and field programming.
  • Ensure the project has appropriate project management documentation in-place, in-use and updated as required (DIPs, Cash Flows, Procurement Plans, MWRAPs, M&E Plans etc);
  • Facilitate implementation of sound financial systems for efficiently controlling the quality of technical food security and livelihood project works/activities by closely tracking work progress against payment and work plans and controlling the quality of final project outputs as per the donor and user community expectations.
  • Facilitate optimal use of financial resources in the project through timely requisition of all necessary supplies/contracts for project implementation
  • Ensure that monthly financial projections are prepared and submitted in a timely manner.
  • See to it that management response to audit queries is done on a timely basis.
  • Project implementation tools are understood and used by World Vision staff and implementing partners.


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