Gaalkacyo: Fursad Shaqo CARE – Psycho Social Support Counselor

Gaalkacyo: Fursad Shaqo CARE – Psycho Social Support Counselor

Fursaddu waxa ay ku egtahay 20ka Siteenbar. Warqadda arjida oo wadata taariikhdaada shaqo u dir emailka:  [email protected], faahfaahintana hoos arag.


Job Description

Job Title: Psychosocial Support counselor


Project/Department: UYP

Location: Galkacyo South

Supervisor Title: Snr POs in Puntland and Galmudug

1. Job Summary

To provide counseling and psycho-social support to Internally Displaced People in IDP/Returenee and Host communities settlements in Galkacyo South. The candidate is expected to promote human rights, participation, resilience, normalization of daily life, and psychosocial training for IDP community members and Survivors. The Psychosocail Counsellor is responsible for the overall planning and providing individual or group psychological support. Helping individuals, families of the Survivor. Promote the dissemination of the IASC Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial in Emergency/Recovery settings among the humanitarian community.

2. Responsibilities

R1: Project Implementation

1.1 Conduct basic counseling services for IDP communities. Provide psychosocial support to individual IDPs experiencing acute distress.

1.2 Establish a system of collection and dissemination of all available services and the referral system

1.3 Create awareness among staff on psychosocial sensitivity while providing assistance

1.4 Conduct individual as well as group therapy sessions for IDPs experiencing similar acute distress

1.5 Set up age and gender specific activities for women and youth, including social and school counseling, discussion groups

1.6 Conduct home visits with the intention of profiling vulnerable cases for further interventions and for referrals to other partners

1.7 Attend cases management group/individuals and GBV working group meetings to insure better coordination of other stakeholders

1.8 Build the capacity of the staff to respond to the mental health and psychosocial emergency related issues forIDPs in Galkacyo

1.9 Advise IDP teachers on the psychosocial implications of displacement on pupils, and boost their capacity to provide responses to displaced children in IDP schools

1.10 Come up with quarterly debriefing workshops for partners and project staff.

1.11 Maintain confidentiality of records relating to clients treatment, registeration and referral forms

1.12 Assisting victims/Survivors of rape and defilement and preventing suicide

1.13 Conduct family assessment of all cases in the Survivors.

R2. Project Monitoring

2.0 Conduct continues field visit to identify the servivors of acut distress and GBV servivors

2.1 Conduct continues home visit and collect information about the client though interviews and observations

2.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of counseling sessions and clients’ progress in resolving identified problems and moving towards defined objectives.

R3. Reporting

3.1 Prepare reports on each field visit conducted and submit to the protection officer.

3.2 Prepare report,case study for the clients provided with group counseling sessions and other psychosocial treatments

3.3 Monitor and document security incidents related to SGBV in project areas

3.4 Prepare and maintain all the reports related to the trainings provided to the GBV focal points and the other community groups

R4. Capacity Building

4.1 Identify areas of improvement in the pychosocial activities that CARE is implementing and provide relevant advice and recommendations for improvements to rectify the weaknesses.

4.2 Identify training needs of GBV focal points and camp committees then develop plans to conduct trainings. Assist in developing action plans to operationalise these plans

R.5 Others

5.1 To bring to the notice of the protection manager any discrepancies, serious incidents or any urgent information which may need serious consideration regarding day to day activities

5.2 To fulfill any additional assignments as deemed necessary by the organization

3. Required qualifications

Education and training:

Bachelor’s degree in psychology, social work, humanitarian work or related fields from a recognized learning institution

Expreience (mimimum requirements):

At least 4 years of experience in the field of counseling/community based psychosocial programming


· Commitment to humanitarian work

· should demonstrate a passion and a commitment to changing lives of the IDPs

· Must have a special interest, understanding, sensitivity and proven skills of working with groups of internally displaced persons (IDPs

4. Key Relationship /contacts

IDP communities

CARE sub – office staff


Local partner organizations

Local authorities

Community groups involved in rehabilitation and development programmes

5. Direct Reports

Psychosocial counselor will directly report to the Snr POs.


Interested candidates who meet the criteria above are encouraged to send their application letters and detailed CV to [email protected] by September 20, 2018. Candidates are required to quote the position title on the subject line of the email when applying. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


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