Beledweyne: Fursad Shaqo CESVI – Project Management and Implementation

Beledweyne: Fursad Shaqo CESVI – Project Management and Implementation

Fursaddu waxa ay ku egtahay 8 Aktoobar 2018. Faahfaahinta iyo habka arjida HALKAN RIIX.


Please send your CV and overl letter to the following adresses: [email protected]

1) Project Management and Implementation
•Provide technical direction, leadership and trainings to livelihood beneficiaries on business skill trainings, saving and loan association, revolve fund groups, vocational skill trainings and strengthening small scale business for the beneficiaries to enhance their self-reliance.
•Ensure systematic project documentation including Baseline, PDM, market data price, case studies and periodic assessment as directed by the line manager.
•Assist BRCIS field coordinator/ Country coordinator in the implementation, monitoring, reporting and evaluation of BRCiS/DEVCO projects in Hiraan locations.
•Draft activity reports and submit to the BRCiS field coordinator on the progress of activities and challenges encountered and lesson learnt on weekly and monthly basis.
•Engage directly with communities, elders and local authorities as well as other agencies operational in greater Banadir region regularly to ensure coordination and effective implementation of activities.
•Facilitate project related workshops and meetings in terms of logistics and any other necessary preparation.
•Line manage community mobilizers, including managing their performance, annual leave etc.
•Participate in the design and implementation of livelihood related survey/assessment in the project area.
•Based on a constant evaluation of the daily activities, suggest to the senior management modifications and improvements of implementation methodology, staff composition, assets and equipment, etc.
•Help design and revise the project work-plan, and monitor that the implementation of the activities respects the time-table milestones and deadlines.
•Quickly react to changes – of any kind – in the context in which the project activities are being implemented, inform the senior management about them and contribute to finding proper adjustments.
•Develop a relative autonomy in the implementation of her/his tasks.
•Timely report to BRCiS field Coordinator about any problem arising during the implementation of the project that might harm the achievement of the projects’ objectives or the organization’s values.
•Timely inform the PM, the Security Officer and other colleagues of any issues that might endanger the security of people and goods related to the project.
•In general, guarantee availability and co-operation to any other CESVI staff, at any level.


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