Ayub Abdirizak

Ayub Abdirizak

Daljir Media Editor-at-large

Daljir Media Editor-at-large Mr. Ayub Abdirizak is a highly influential media professional and a media personality with over 11 years of media experience and over 5 years of public service. Mr. Abdirizak has over the years continuously contributed to Daljir Media, online and over the airwaves on Radio Daljir, an affiliate of Daljir Media. In addition, during his long period as a Daljir Editor, he has also contributed to various local and foreign media companies.

During his period as a local Daljir Editor, Mr. Abdirizak developed a successful track record of managing the Daljir news desk, and has coached and mentored news desk employees in a way that increased their productivity and public reach out.

Having worked in some of the most dangerous, difficult and high-risk environments in southern Somalia, Mr. Abdirizak has developed tremendous skills as an investigative journalist, and has keenly covered some of Somalia’s most difficult political transition periods, as Somalia established its first Transitional National Government (TNG) in Mogadishu.

From his Daljir Media experience, Mr. Abdirizak is today one of Somalia’s premier public influencers with media platforms that daily reach millions throughout the world.

Mr. Abdirizak’s Social Media contacts include:

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063616724569

Facebook profile: https://www.facebook.com/kabtanayuub.nuurqalay.7

YouTube: https://youtube.com/@kabtanayubmedia

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ayuub_kabtan1?s=21&t=VtoUnxA4fUlZ9vNczvlz8w

Instagram : https://instagram.com/kabtan_ayuub?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==

Mr. Ayub Abdirizak can be reached via email at: [email protected]


  • Dr. Madina 12 months ago

    Asc, wiilkayga Kabtan Ayuub Cabdirisaaq,
    Waxaan ahay hooyo Soomaaliyeed, leh in ka badan 40 sano oo waayo-aragnimo ah.
    Magacaygu waa Dr. Madiina Cali Cabdulle. Waxaan ahay hooyo ka qalin jabisay dufcadii ugu horaysay ee jaamacada (somali national univeristy) – dawlada dhexe.
    Gabadhaydu sidoo kale waa dhakhtar, 2017 qalin jabisay. Waxaa na saameeyay weerarkii ugu horreeyay ee Zobe.
    Aad bay noo saamaysay
    Anigu waxaan ahay harti-abgaal, gabadhayduna waa sacad.
    Nidaamku hadday tahay dawladda ama qaybta gaarka ah ee hadda jirta, ma rabaan hooyo iyo gabadh wax bartay, gaar ahaan qof jiray 1990 ka hor.
    Waxaan wax ka dhigi jiray Part-time jaamacadeed saacado yar ilaa aan shaqo la’aan noqday 8 bilood.
    Ma siin kartaa fariinteyda odayaasha Harti-Daarood (Esimadhi) iyo Madaxweyne Deni, inay na caawiyaan, waayo Muqdisho waxay noqotay meel xuquuq la waayo, runtana aan la rabin.
    Waxaan rajeynayaa inaad nagu caawin doonto.
    My master’s degree is from Faculty of science from Newcastle upon Tyne University in the UK in 1984. My book and journal are found in google: (links are below)
    1- Name of the thesis is: Numerical and Chemical Classification of Mycobacteria Causing Bovine Farcy. (https://books.google.so/books/about/Numerical_and_Chemical_Clasification_of.html?id=C7eTtgAACAAJ&redir_esc=y)
    2- Along with its published journal (Identification of actinomycetes isolated from cases of bovine farcy in the Sudan – ScienceDirect)

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