Faroole, the first politician to attack Puntland Parliament, has yet to repent

Faroole, the first politician to attack Puntland Parliament, has yet to repent

In yesterday’s incoherent prerecorded social media speech, former president Faroole attacked President Deni and the Honorable Abdirashid Yusuf Jibril, the Speaker of the House, for enabling Puntland Parliament, as he claims, to be attacked by what he called ‘loyal soldiers of Puntland protecting the constitution.’ The same ‘loyal soldiers’ that vacated their defensive positions in Laascaanood only to attack Puntland State University (PSU), and then Garoowe International Airport and put it out of action for about a week. The same ‘loyal soldiers’ as Faroole told us yesterday that President Deni told the former president that ‘he wants no part of Jimcaale’s forces [the loyal forces] as they work for Muse Bihi.’

The former president, bitter with envy and resentful of  President Deni’s successful undertaking of Puntland democratization process and holding municipal elections in 33 out of 36 Puntland municipalities, equated Puntland Constitution to the Holy Koran, and said Deni’s democratization process is against both. He continued that Puntland Constitution can’t be debated, can’t be changed, and absolutely no amendments can be tabled by the parliament. No surprises there, as President Deni succeeded where Faroole failed. Envy, lack of memory and lack of self-awareness are indeed well-known traits of the self-seeking former president.

Speaking of memory, let us take a trip back into memory lane and into the morning of 27 February 2006. In that dreadful morning, Faroole stripped of his portfolio as Puntland Finance Minister by then President Adde Muse, attacked Puntland Parliament to try to prove that he was an untouchable in Garoowe. It was the first recorded attack on Puntland Parliament.

Fast forward to 20 June 2023, and the second attack on Puntland Parliament was again recorded. Guess who attacked the parliament this time? It is none other than those who followed his steps, followed him to the Puntland Presidency, and that he himself, the former president, presided over, the Aaranjaan political gang, where he is the chairman of the Board.

Of course, as expected from the former president, nothing is ever his fault, and as he said, the attack on the parliament was made possible by President Deni and Speaker Abdirashid because, as he said, “for not paying attention to my dictum and demands.”

The former president didn’t stop there in trying to justify the attack on the parliament. He equated Puntland Constitution to the Holy Koran, and he said that without his blessings Puntland Constitution can’t be debated and hence no amendments can ever be submitted.

With no one paying attention except the media, expect this to be only the beginning of many more demands and ‘dictums’ from the self-seeking former president. However, with Laascaanood under one of the heaviest bombardments of late, don’t hold your breath for Faroole and the Aaranjaan gang to materially or morally support the struggle of the people of SSC-Khatumo against Somaliland aggression.

Daljir Media | Contributed to by Daljir Garoowe, Daljir Laascaanood and Daljir Bossaso staff members

Dayaca iyo darxumada Faroole nala damacsanaa Gaas baa damiyey!



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