FURSAD SHAQO WFP: Project Architect SC9, Garowe (162155)

FURSAD SHAQO WFP: Project Architect SC9, Garowe (162155)

WFP seeks candidates of the highest integrity and professionalism who share our humanitarian principles.

Selection of staff is made on a competitive basis, and we are committed to promoting diversity and gender balance.

Date of Issue: 24 May 2022              Closing Date: 7 June 2022

WFP Somalia is recruiting for the below position based in Garowe, Somalia. This position is open to qualified Somali candidates. Female candidates are particularly encouraged to apply

Faahfaahinta & codsiga shaqada HOOS RIIX:


About WFP

The United Nations World Food Programme is the world’s largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide and the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate. The mission of WFP is to help the world achieve Zero Hunger in our lifetimes.

In Somalia, the World Food Programme provides food assistance for nutrition, livelihoods, and relief through the hard work of more than 500 employees who contribute to make Somalia hunger free in close partnership with local partners.

This position is open to qualified Somali candidates. Female candidates in particular, are encouraged to apply.

Duties and Responsibilities

The Project Architect shall report directly to the WFP Lead Engineer and ultimately to the Head of Administration and to the Head of Field Offices/Project Managers (for respective projects) with the following generic duties:

(These duties are generic and thus not all-inclusive).




  • FarhioAbdirizak mohamed 2 years ago

    Asc waxan jooga garowe waxan ahay shaqo doon wan kasobixkarat shaqadan , waxan haysta shahada bachelor kowada nutrition and food science
    waxan jooga garowe

  • Fadumo 3 years ago

    Waxa codsanya shaqadan mhdsnidiin

  • Faarah hassan 3 years ago

    Waxaan ahay arady dhigta dugsiga sre oo cumar samater waaxan rabaa boos shaqo
    marka halaysiiyo pls

  • Maxamed 3 years ago

    Asc, waxaan xiisaynayaa oo aan danaynayaa in aan ka qayb qaato booskan la soo xayeysiiyey

  • Mohamuud izze shire 3 years ago

    Magacaygu waa Mohamuud izze shire wxaan ahy nin qabrad uu leh in uu qabto shadan kaso shaqeyye in badan Arimahaa bulshadaa hystaa shahaadoyinkaa kalaa ahy diploma HRM(EastAfrica university), accounting and financial Bachelor (red sea university)
    Wxaan codsanayaa shaqn haddi aan nisiib uu yeesho in aan bulshada sifican ugu adeegi doono insh allah

  • Sucaad yusuf abdi 3 years ago

    Asc magacyga wa sucdi  abdi wxan joga garowe waxan dhameeyey jamacada bosaso bachelor kayga waa HR  management shaqadan waan qaban karaan maadama shaqaalaysiintu ay kamid thy howlaha HR ka thnkbu

    • Sucdi yusuf abdi 3 years ago

      Sucaad jogta garowe shaqadan wn kaso bixi karaa 

  • Asxaabeey dadka halkan ku qoraya halkan waa comment waxba lagama apply gareeyo

  • Saytuun mohamed 3 years ago

    Magacaygu waa saytuun maxamed ku nool garoowe qalin jabisay jamacada culuumta caafimadka degree
    Kuliyada quudinta nafaqaynta hooyada iyo dhalaanka waxan idinkq cosan shaqada CV iyo certifitkayga waa diyaar

  • Hamdi Abdirizak Aden 3 years ago

    Asc magacaygu waa hamdi Abdirizak waxan diyaar u ahay in aan ka faidaysto fursadan waxan ahay Bacholar digree of health science department Nutrotion of food science
    Waxan rajaynayaa inaad ila so xiriiri dontaan mahdsanid

  • Maryan Ibrahim Mohamud 3 years ago

    Magacaygu waa maryan joga garowe
    Waxan arday dhigta cilmiga nafaqada iyo cuntada waxan huba in aan booskas buuxin karo.

  • suuri jmc cabdi 3 years ago

    waxan diyar u ahay inan ka qayqato tartanka shaqadan on isleyhy wad kasobixikarta

  • Qodax 3 years ago

    This is good and nice opportunity for somali youth generation, although i stay a place away from Garowe, i am expecting the youth will respond this issue, the only two points i am concluding my comment is” make this opportunity general, and open for all somali teenagers where ever they are, regardless to their ethnic or tribal issues”
    Second one” world food program has many branches in the country, try to enroll alot of teenagers in all branches in the country, to reduce luck of jobs in many parts of our country,thus, many families will gain food if their teenagers gain job, this is the title you have and you told us you are implementing a world with a lot of food”
    Lastly, somali leaders must create programs for somali community at all, this is the only way we can achieve self confidence and the country will be prosperous insha allah! All of us, we must belief Allah is the only producer ! Somali people will stay this situation until we our selves do reform to our society!
    Thanks all!
    From Gedo, especially Garbaharey!

  • Khaliif Abdi liiban 3 years ago

    Magacaygu waa khaliif Abdi liiban farah jooga garoowe kana mid ah ardayda dhigata jaamacadda bosaso garoowe HR department
    Waxan ahay qof awood u leh qabashada booskan kana caawin kara Hay’adda WFP

  • Asc dhamaan bahada word food program
    Fursada shaqada ban dhigtin wan kaqayb noqdo WFP xage hagaya war bixin dheeriya hila wllo mahadsanidin

  • Abdulahi mahad 3 years ago

    Waxaa laga yaaba inaad u baahan tihiin qof dumara lkiin anigu waxaan ka mid ahay Ardayda  barta cilmiga U adeegista bulshada Ee loo uaqaano SOCIAL WORK waxaan  aqoon heer sare ah uleeyahay empowerment and motivation oo qof kasta yelan karo waxaan si xushmad leh idin ka codsanaya inaad shaqdaas fursada raga igu amintaan si aan aqoontayda iyo xirfayda idin la wadaago mahadsanidiin 

    • Cabdirisaq cabdilahi 3 years ago

      Magaca cabsaaq cabdilaahi joga magalada gariwe barta jamacada bariga africa kuliyada agricalture science waxan aaminsanahy inan shaqadan uga sobixikaro sida ugu fiican waxan rajaynaya in codsigayga laytixgaliyo

  • Siciid Abdirisaaq Yuusuf 3 years ago

    I am a man who lives to achieve his goals and loves the development of himself and the society around him especially my lovely family.

    I was born in Qardho and I am a member in a family that is compined in 4 sons and one daughter my father was died during my childhood but our mother filled that and become our father and mother, I started my education at Quranic school I also attended Primary and Intermediate level inthe same school that called Geelxoor Primary and Intermediate School , and I started secondary level of school in Sheikh Osman Secondary School.

    I started my bachelor’s degree in the University of East Africa in Bossaso specially the Faculty of Public Administration, now I am a senior and I hope to pursue a master’s degree in Conflict resolution.

    My work experience includes being a teacher as well as working in private businesses to gain experience and talent. In the end, my goal is to convert my dreams to reality and success , to achieve my goals I need hardwork and commitment , I wish success to everyone who has a goal.

    thank you.

  • Mohamed 3 years ago

    Waa fursad fiican oo in laga faidaysto mudan wadiu mahadsantihiin

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