FURSAD WARIYAYAASHA LEH KHIBRAD SAXAAFADEED: The McGraw Fellowship for Business Journalism

FURSAD WARIYAYAASHA LEH KHIBRAD SAXAAFADEED: The McGraw Fellowship for Business Journalism

Deadline: Jul 16, 2021

Donor: McGraw Center for Business Journalism

Grant Type: Fellowship

Grant Size: $10,000 to $100,000

Countries/Regions: All Countries

Area: Business & Industry, Media

Are you a journalist with a great idea for a story that “Follows the Money,” but no funds to get it done? If yes, then The McGraw Fellowship for Business Journalism would like to hear from you.

For more information, visit http://www.mcgrawcenter.org/the-harold-w-mcgraw-jr-business-journalism-fellowships/

  • Turkshkadawe03 4 years ago

    Waxn ahy shaqsi waayo arag oo kaso shaqeyey saxaafada kaaso shaqo doon ah
    Wxa ogaysis igu soo gadhay in boos shaqo idin kabanan yhy
    Fadlan hadii ay arinta jidho ila soo xiriira ….mahadsanidiin

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