Garoowe: Fursad Shaqo Mercy Corps – Lataliye Mashruuca Huggaanka Dhallinta SYLI

Garoowe: Fursad Shaqo Mercy Corps – Lataliye Mashruuca Huggaanka Dhallinta SYLI

Fursaddu waxay ku egtahay 31 May 2017. Faahfaahinta fursadda iyo habka arjida HALKAN RIIX.

Consultant – Youth Learners Initiative (SYLI) Program – Somalia
Mercy Corps
Garowe, Somaliland


Mercy Corps, an international relief and development agency that exists to alleviate suffering, poverty and oppression by helping people build secure, productive and just communities, has been running programs in Somalia and Somaliland since 2005. Mercy Corps seeks an experienced consultant to undertake the end of program report and synthesis of data from the USAID-funded Somali Youth Learners Initiative (SYLI) program now in its final months of implementation. Since inception in September 2011, the program has experienced various changes, all aligned to better achievement of its goal of increased education, economic, and civic participation opportunities for Somali youth to reduce instability in target areas. The program has three strategic objectives: IR.1 Fair and equitable secondary education services improved for at least 28,989 Somali youth, community members, and education officials; IR.2 At least 12,700 youth are more economically self-reliant with supportive systems; IR.3 50,000 youth empowered to participate and contribute positively and productively to society. SYLI was initially implemented only in Somaliland and Puntland and expanded to South Central Somalia during Phase 2.

Mercy Corps will undertake a final program narrative report and two shorter briefs to document the overall program and inform future programs. Together, the three documents will reflect on existing quantitative and qualitative data sources, reports and new testimonials from key program participants and stakeholders. All three written products will be stand-alone pieces, with the final report weaving in pieces of the shorter briefs and then including their entirety as annexes.  The main purpose is to help Mercy Corps capture the program’s impact, highlight the top learnings including activities to consider replicating in other programs or settings, and disseminate the learnings globally. Mercy Corps aims to adapt the learnings to improve future program and management performance and results.

The successful consultant will be able to conduct fieldwork between mid-May and mid-June 2017 and quickly execute other tasks leading to delivery of the final products to the team prior to the end of the program in June.

Program Objectives and Results:
SYLI is a USAID-funded Education Program that was initially designed for five years (from 30th September 2011 to 29th September 2016). The program was jointly designed by a consortium consisting of Mercy Corps (as the lead), CARE International, Save the Children UK, Somaliland National Youth Organization (SONYO) and Mudug Development Association Network (MUDAN).


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