Garoowe: Fursad Shaqo Save the Children – Marxaladaha Degdegga

Garoowe: Fursad Shaqo Save the Children – Marxaladaha Degdegga

Faahfaahinta hoos arag, arjidana u dir emailka: [email protected]



Interested and qualified candidates should submit their technical proposal giving a clear interpretation of the ToR and outlining proposed methodology, work plan and financial proposal to: [email protected]

The deadline for applications is 7th July 2017


  1. The main objective of the emergency and livelihoods market assessment is to gather quality market information to inform any adjustments in the ongoing emergency response and to inform the design of recovery and resilience building interventions as per the country office’s emergency response plan and long-term development strategy. In carrying out the assessment, gender and protection analysis is to be applied throughout the study. The overall purpose of the market assessment is to examine critical food products (Sorghum, rice, cowpeas and livestock) supply chain and market conditions in Bari region, Puntland. The market information will feed into ongoing emergency interventions as well as recovery and resilience building work in the post emergency period.

The proposed assignment has 2key objectives:

  1. To assess market functionality for continued implementation of humanitarian safety net transfers as an appropriate strategy
  2. To assess the structure, conduct and performance of the market and its effect on overall food security in Puntland
  3. Key areas of analysis

    The consultancy focus on the following key areas of assessment:

  4. Identify and sketch the supply chain of the 4 products in the target region.
  5. Analyse the historic and current availability of the 4 products in the local markets including potential recent changes and patterns of seasonality.
  6. Analyse the overall market environment in which the 4 product transactions takes place, including relevant government policies and regulations, the (current) socio-political situation, security, road and transport infrastructure
  7. Describe the market structure in terms of actors and institutions of the relevant supply chains to the 4 products, barriers to enter trade or maintain and increase levels of supply, as well as market catchment areas.
  8. Identify limitations that traders may have in expanding their business as well as their purchasing power that may limit them in their expansion efforts.
  9. Analyse the market conduct, i.e. price setting behaviours, weights and standards including the transparency of transactions, competition and potential corruptive behaviour.
  10. Identify key market outcomes such as seasonality and volatility patterns of prices, market integration with supply sources, including physical flow of commodities for the 4 products.
  11. Analyse the potential bottlenecks that traders’ can have for responding to demand increases, e.g. storage facilities, duration of stocks, stock replenishment lead-time, and expected price developments due to increased levels of demand.
  12. Provide/collect price data and develop price scenarios for 4 products. For the case of the cereal prices, the data should help in developing transfers values, and to support cost efficiency/effectiveness analysis, that can facilitate decisions if and when to switch between different transfer modalities or food baskets depending on seasons (i.e. rainy and dry seasons).
  13. Formulate and – if possible – map market related recommendations on i) suitable areas, ii) periods of the year and iii) scale conceivable to support either cash/voucher or in kind based interventions as well as iv) how to address identified bottlenecks for traders to meet increased demand and strengthen respective supply chains.
  14. Scope

The consultancy should provide:

  1. Assessment procedures and tools developed in collaboration with SC Food security staff
  2. Training of SC staff on market assessment
  3. Comprehensive emergency and livelihoods market assessment
  4. One-day workshop showing findings of the survey


The consultant shall have a university degree in Social Sciences or related subject and 8 years of experience in market assessment including use of key methodologies such as HEA, EMMA, MIFIRA etc. Experience in working in Somalia is essential for this work. Ability to travel to Somalia is necessary for this assignment.


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