The unprecedented cyber-explosive attack in Lebanon and Syria yesterday is part of Israel’s systematic campaign to provoke Hezbollah and Iran into a regional conflict and drawing in the United States to fight it for them.

First there was the terror attack in Kerman in January 2024 which killed hundreds on the anniversary of Soleimani’s death. Iran responded with strikes in Syria, Iraqi Kurdistan, and Baluchistan.

Then there was Israel’s attack on the Iranian consulate building in Damascus in April which killed a half dozen senior IRGC commanders. Iran responded two weeks later with a telegraphed drone and missile strike on Israel, which was mostly repelled by a coalition of NATO and Arab countries.

Last month, in August, Israel assassinated a senior commander of Hezbollah in the suburbs of Beirut with an airstrike and the next day assassinated the political leader of Hamas, Ishmael Haniyeh in Tehran by detonating explosives in his compound which they had planted months in advance. They carried out this attack in Iran’s capital on the same day that Iran inaugurated its new president.

Although Iran promised an imminent reprisal which would certainly cross Israel’s red lines, after the US mobilized two aircraft carries, two dozen warships, and thousands of soldiers— Iran and its Axis of Resistance indefinitely postponed their counter attack.

Iran and Hezbollah’s failure to reply in any capacity to the dual assassinations in August in the face of the American threat has established a new precedent in the conflict that Israel can strike inside Lebanon, Syria, and Iran with complete impunity.

Since the deterrent threat posed by Hezbollah and Iran’s missiles was effectively shattered last month, Israel was emboldened to carry out yesterday’s brazen attack which has humiliated Iran’s axis of resistance and shocked the entire world.

How far can Israel push Iran and Hezbollah before they will be forced to retaliate? If they do not respond, the domestic political situation may become unstable and threaten the rule of the Iranian regime. But if Iran or Hezbollah retaliate significantly it will play right into Israel’s hands and serve as a pretext to launch a significant military offensive against Hezbollah in Lebanon. They are damned if they do and damned if they don’t.

The Israeli military understands that another Lebanon War against Hezbollah will almost certainly be a disaster. But if Trump is elected in 7 weeks, Netanyahu is assured that the United States will bail Israel out by striking Iran and its proxies. If Trump is not cooperative, then Vice President Vance, who owes his political career to the Mossad-infiltrated Palantir co-founder Peter Thiel, surely will.

In either scenario, whether Iran’s Islamic Resistance crumbles under siege from Israel or whether it is decimated by a forthcoming Republican administration— the collapse of its deterrent threat against Israel will allow Netanyahu’s government to annex Gaza and the West Bank.

Moreover, a future Republican administration is poised to end the war in Ukraine before inauguration day which will free up America’s stockpiles to arm Israel in a war against Iran. This time Trump may finish his regime change designs on Iran through maximum pressure from sanctions and strikes by Israel and the United States.

When all is said and done, Israel will emerge at the end of this decade as the uncontested regional hegemon of the Middle East and all of its energy resources. They will control the gateway that connects the three continents of the “world island,” the new Belt and Road and the IMEC Corridor.

As the United States collapses under the weight of its massive debt, hollowed-out financialized economy, racial conflict, and defense commitments, Israel will emerge as a global power in a multipolar world with no allegiance to the United States.

Author: Nicholas Fuentes | America First | X:



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