With 106 FGS MPs rejecting Speaker Adan Madoobe’s illegal expulsion of renowned corruption fighter MP Abdullahi Hashi Abib and public outrage against Villa Somalia and the Speaker intensifying, MP Abib immediately files a motion for Adan Madoobe to vacate the Speakership.

In the letter, MP Abib begins, “Dishonorable Speaker, It is with profound dismay, anger, and unwavering resolve that I categorically reject your unconstitutional, unlawful, and politically motivated expulsion order against me. Your letter (GSH/B11/069125) dated on March 15, 2025, is NULL and VIOD, issued in direct violation of the Somali Constitution, parliamentary procedures, and the fundamental principles of democracy.”

Indicating that the expulsion letter was at the behest of President Hassan Sheikh, MP Abib continued, “Your egregious abuse of power – executed at the behest of President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and his corrupt associates (Minister of Education, State Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Finance, Minister of Planning and Governor of Central Bank) – is a direct attack on the legitimacy of the Federal Parliament. Instead of upholding the law and serving the people, you have reduced yourself to an agent of Villa Somalia, exchanging parliamentary integrity for personal financial gain.”

Listing the many constitutional violations the Speaker Committed and paving the way for the Speaker’s removal, the MP Abib added, “By violating the Constitution and the rules of Parliament, you have effectively forfeited any moral, ethical, and legal claim to the Speaker’s chair.”

Then comes a long list of alleged corruption and misappropriation crimes committed by Villa Somalia and Speaker Adan Madoobe of which some notable ones are “Colluding with corrupt officials to misappropriate $127 million in Global Partnership for Education (GPE) funds and $100 million in Green Climate Funds (GCF). Allowing millions of dollars to be smuggled weekly from Mogadishu International Airport to Kenya, Turkey, Djibouti, Tanzania, and Dubai – facilitated by the President that you protect,” that MP Abib promises that “These crimes will not go unpunished. I will ensure that you are held accountable through legal action both domestically and internationally.”

MP Abib then moves on to the motion and states that the Speaker’s “actions have made it clear that:
1. You no longer serve the interests of Parliament or the Somali people, but rather those of the President and his corrupt inner circle.
2. You have irreparably damaged the integrity of the Speakership by abusing your authority to suppress dissent and obstruct justice.
3. You have lost the confidence of Members of Parliament and cannot be trusted to preside over legislative affairs with fairness or impartiality.”

MP Abib then adds, “This motion will be filed without delay, and I will call on my fellow Members of Parliament to restore the dignity of this institution by removing you from the office. You have shamed your office, betrayed the Somali people, and brought disgrace to Parliament. While you may believe that power and money will protect you, the tide is turning against corruption.”

And finally, MP Abib rejecting the “unlawful expulsion” concludes, “This letter serves as formal notice that I reject your unlawful expulsion order in its entirety and that: 1. I am filing a motion to remove you from the Speakership immediately. 2. I am initiating formal legal action at the UNHRC for your role in human rights violations. 3. I am working with international oversight bodies to expose and sanction your corruption. 4. I am demanding a full parliamentary inquiry into your financial crimes and abuses of power. Your days of unchecked corruption are over, and history will judge you accordingly.”

> Daljir Media | Contributed to by Daljir staff in Garoowe and Nairobi

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