PSF convoy targeted in IED attack in Bari region

PSF convoy targeted in IED attack in Bari region

A convoy of troops from the Puntland Security Force (PSF) struck a roadside bomb while traveling on the road that links the towns of Galgala and Balikhadar in the Bari region of Somalia.

One vehicle was damaged in the blast from the roadside bomb believed to have been hidden on the road prior to the PSF units initially pasing through.

The number of casualities, if any remains unclear. The Puntland regional state has not addressed the situation as of yet.

Roadside bombs and IED attacks are common in Somalia, in which insurgent groups use these explosive devices to target security forces and civilians.

The Bari region were this latest attack took place is relativly peaceful but both ISIS and Al-Shabaab have a presence in the Golis and Cal-Madow mountains of Bari and Sanaag regions.

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