Security Council decides to extend until 31 March 2020 UNSOM’s mandate

Security Council decides to extend until 31 March 2020 UNSOM’s mandate

The Security Council,
Recalling its previous resolutions and statements of its President on the situation
in Somalia,

Reaffirming its respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, political
independence, and unity of Somalia, and underscoring the importance of working to
prevent destabilizing effects of regional crises and disputes from spilling over into

12. Welcomes the completion by the Federal Government of Somalia of the operational readiness assessment of regional forces, and the completion of the biometric registration of the Somali National Army which has enabled regular salary payments by the Federal Government of Somalia and further welcomes some progress on the implementation of the New Police Model;

13. Further underlines the importance of collaboration between the Federal Government of Somalia and international partners in the delivery of agreed, somali-led political and security reforms, welcomes commitments by international partners, including new donors, to provide support, consistent with the Security Pact agreed at the London Somalia Conference, acknowledging that mutually agreed partnership coordination mechanisms remain essential for agreeing priorities and coordinating resources and support, calls upon the Federal Government of Somalia to revitalise the coordination structures along the Comprehensive Approach to Security, and requests UNSOM to support through coordination and strategic advice in order to accelerate implementation of the Comprehensive Approach to Security;


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