SHAQO KA BANNAAN HAY’ADDA WFP: Administration Officer, FT NOB Garowe (140462)

SHAQO KA BANNAAN HAY’ADDA WFP: Administration Officer, FT NOB Garowe (140462)

Selection of staff is made on a competitive basis, and we are committed to promoting diversity and gender balance.

Minimum Qualification:

Education: Advanced University degree in Business/Public Administration, Engineering, or other relevant field relating to office management and administration, or First University degree with additional years of related work experience and/or training/courses.

At least three years or more of professional experience in administration and facilities management with a private or public
sector organization. Experience in managing several large multicultural teams, leading projects and developing function policies is essential.

Language: Fluency in both oral and written communication in English and Somalia is a requirement.

Knowledge & Skills:

  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Strong organizational skills and ability to successfully manage multiple tasks simultaneously.
  • Strong leadership skills and proven experience in managing a team
  • Strong analytical skills
  • General knowledge of UN system policies, rules, regulations and procedures governing administration is highly desirable.
  • Proficiency knowledge in Microsoft Office packages (MS Excel, MS Word and MS PowerPoint).

Terms and Conditions:

Contract Duration: 1 year (initial)

Deadline for Application:

14th March 2021

Female applicants and qualified applicants from developing countries are especially encouraged to apply

WFP has zero tolerance for discrimination and does not discriminate on the basis of HIV/AIDS status.

No appointment under any kind of contract will be offered to members of the UN Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ), International Civil Service Commission (ICSC), FAO Finance Committee, WFP External Auditor, WFP Audit Committee, Joint Inspection Unit (JIU) and other similar bodies within the United Nations system with oversight responsibilities over WFP, both during their service and within three years of ceasing that service.

Linkigan hoose ku gudbi codsigaaga



  • Kowsar Salah isse 4 months ago

    Name: Kowsar Salah Isse
    I am a graduate of the East Africa University in Galdogob,
    where I studied in the Faculty of Health Sciences, specializing in midwifery. I worked as a volunteer for two years at General Hospital in Galdogob. I am currently in Garowe, Nugaal, Somalia, and I am actively seeking employment.

  • sabiriin ali 3 years ago

    waxaan ahay aradayd dhigata jamacad waxaa iisocda sanadka 3xaaad waxaan rawaa inaa noqdo qf isku filan oo shaqeeesankara wfb waa hay a,ada kaliya aan aqaano waan arkaa sida dadka aad ucasaan

  • Maxamut maxamett 4 years ago

    Waxam ahy muwaadin somaliyeed waxan ubaahnahay shaqo

  • abdifitaah xasan 4 years ago


    • Adan jama maxed 4 years ago

      I tsudy community development so I need a well trained
      Specifically for you

  • Mubarak jama abdulahi 4 years ago

    Waxaan ahay muwadiin somaliyed waxaan uu bahanahay shaaqo wiixi tabartaydah ah?

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