Somaliland VP Saylici calls his Samaroon clan to arms to defend Somaliland and asks SSC-Khatumo to disarm

Somaliland VP Saylici calls his Samaroon clan to arms to defend Somaliland and asks SSC-Khatumo to disarm

As the Laascaanood war heats up and losses in life, material and economic productivity mount on Somaliland, so does the Somaliland clan rhetoric to recruit more men and material from local clans for the war in Laascaanood. Clan rhetoric is so severe that Somaliland leaders are now seeking support from southern Somali clans, clans that Somaliland leaders have for over 30 years continuously insulted as sub humans.

An advance delegation purportedly representing Somalia’s southern clans are now VIP guests of President Muse Bihi and Vice President Saylici, where they have been given a tour of the now empty campuses of Amoud University in Borama. Since the beginning of the hostilities in Laascaanood, most of the Somali students in Amoud University, where the majority of them hail from the Darood group of clans, have emptied their dorm rooms for fear of clan reprisals.

The situation in Borama city where Blue Revolution has been brewing lately, and where there is no love lost between the local population and the politics of Somaliland is now very intense socially and economically. The city of Borama depended economically on the bustling campuses of Amoud University, but with no students on campus, it has lately been lights out for the city.

In such an intense environment, Vice President Saylici arrived the region on behalf of President Muse Bihi to recruit men and material for his war effort. However, the people of Awdal wholeheartedly reject the politics of Somaliland and reject the war even more.

Seeking clan support from his Samaroon clan for the war in Laascaanood, Vice President Saylici arrived in Borama and said, “People of Awdal, you are part of the nation of Somaliland. And the nation is under attack. I ask clans of Awdal region not to sit back, but to defend the nation as declared by the President. You have to take part in defending the nation. We seek your support, be it men or material or both. As for the people of Laascaanood, I beg you to stop the war. Listen to Sheikh Ali Jowhar and stop the war.”

Sheikh Ali Jowhar who also hails from the Samaroon clan is the official Sheikh of President Muse Bihi’s State House, and is often accused of tailoring his religious edicts to fit President Bihi’s call of the day.

Similarly, the people of Awdal often accuse Vice President Saylici of always representing the interest of Hargeisa clans and never the interest of his clan constituency. And with Blue Revolution brewing in Borama, it is unlikely that the Vice President will be warmly received in his quest for clan support.

Daljir Media | Contributed by Daljir reporters in Hargeisa and Borama

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