SSC Khaatumo 45 member governing body sworn in

SSC Khaatumo 45 member governing body sworn in

41 out of 45 member governing body for the Khaatumo state administration has been sworn in today in the city of Laascaanood in the Sool region of Somalia.

This newly sworn in governing body is expected to take over responsibilites from the 33-member SSC Khaatumo council, which has been governing the region over the past few months.

Today’s latest developments are said to be the stepping stone that will eventually pave the way for the formation of the SSC federal state that will include the regions of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn in the near future.

The Federal government is yet to address the recent developments in Laascaanood, with many Somalis at home and abroad accusing the Federal Government of negelecting the SSC region and providing cover for Somaliland’s aggression.

Based on the current tragectory, the SSC Khaatumo forces are expected to expel Somaliland troops from the region paving the way for the formation of a new federal member state but it remains to be seen if the Federal Government will change its attitude towards the SSC struggle for Somali unity.

Daljir Media Service Desk

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