SSC Khaatumo council elects chairman and second deputy chairman

SSC Khaatumo council elects chairman and second deputy chairman

The 45 member governing body of the SSC Khaatumo council held a vote today in the city of Las Anod in the Sool region of Somalia, electing a new chairman and deputy chairman to lead the SSC Khaatumo central council akin to a parliament.

25 out of the 45 member governing body have voted for Jama Yasin to be the chairman with 20 other votes going to the rival candidate Mohamed Yusuf.

With majority of the votes, Jama Yasin Warsame was voted chairman of the SSC Khaatumo council, and Jama Aden Osman, from the minority Madhibaan clan, was elected deputy chairman.

Today’s election of the chairman and deputy chairman of the 45 member SSC-Khatumo governing council paves the way for the election of the leader of SSC-Khatumo, akin to the President of the administration; where then, SSC-Khatumo is expected to transition from a regional administration to a full fledged Federal Member State.

Daljir Media Service Desk

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