SSC Khaatumo elects new leader

SSC Khaatumo elects new leader

SSC Khaatumo council consisting of a 45 member governing body have elected Abdulkadir Ahmed as the new leader of SSC Khaatumo, following a vote held in the city of Las Anod.

Abdulkadir received 30 out of 45 votes, thus for securing majority of votes, which saw him elected. This latest development in Las Anod is expected to lay the ground work for SSC to become a fully fledged federal member state.

The newly elected leader is tasked with a number of issues that includes spearheading the liberation of the SSC regions. which have been occupied by Somaliland since 2007.

Analysts believe with the formation of SSC becoming a regional state, it will then lead to strengthening self-governance in Somalia under the federal system.

Daljir News Desk


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