SSC Khaatumo receives medical aid from Italy

SSC Khaatumo receives medical aid from Italy

SSC Khaatumo, a soon-to-be Federal Member State (FMS) has received life saving aid from a Italy – a member of the European Union and one of Somalia’s closest western allies.

The aid from Italy which consists of 18 tones of medicine, health kits and tents is meant to alleviate the humanitarian emergency in Laascaanood according to the official state run news agency for Italy.

The local authorities and medical workers in Laascaanood face enormous challenges as the city’s hospitals are underequipped and simultaneously overcrowded with victims of Somaliland’s murderous shelling campaign.

The life saving aid delivery comes a few days after Doctors Without Borders, better known as MSF, ceased operations in the City’s General Hospital citing intense violence as initially reported by Daljir Media.  

As SSC-Khatumo, an oil and minerals rich region, transitions from a regional administration to a fully fledged Federal Member State, more support and engagement with the international community is expected, as international partners look to play a major role in the development of the region.

Daljir Media Service Desk

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