“The ‘recognition’ has been wholly swallowed by Dhulbahante”

“The ‘recognition’ has been wholly swallowed by Dhulbahante”

Daljir Media took to the streets of Laascaanood to find out about people’s thoughts on the war, on the way forward for SSC-Khatumo, and what the future holds for Somaliland.

We spoke with elder Farah Abdirahman Elmi on his thoughts, and what Somaliland should do, as far as the war is concerned, and if the long 30 years plus sought after recognition is any closer?

Mr. Elmi responded, “the recognition has been wholly swallowed by Dhulbahante and is nowhere to be found, as such, the only option for Somaliland is to create a new Federal Member State or to partially join SSC-Khatumo State of Somalia.”

Daljir Media | SSC-KHATUMO


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