The Union of the UN Trust Territory of Somalia and British Somaliland Protectorate

The Union of the UN Trust Territory of Somalia and British Somaliland Protectorate

The Process that Resulted in the Union

Italian Somaliland, which was under the military occupation of the British since 1941-42, was placed under the UN Trust Territory in 1950. It was renamed the UN Trust Territory of Somalia . It was placed under Italian administration.

In December 1959, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted a resolution that the UN Trust Territory of Somalia should become independent on July 1st 1960.
Meanwhile, British Somaliland was experiencing constitutional and political developments in 1959 – 1960. New constitution was promulgated in February 1960 . The New Constitution (The Somaliland Order in Council, 1960) provided for a Legislative Council with 3 official members and 33 elected members . It also provided for an Executive Council of 3 officials and 4 unofficial members all to be called Ministers.

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