U.S. Ambassador to Somalia Donald Y. Yamamoto Arrives

U.S. Ambassador to Somalia Donald Y. Yamamoto Arrives

Press Statement

For Immediate Release                                                                                  November 15, 2018

 Arrival of U.S. Ambassador to Somalia Donald Y. Yamamoto

 The United States is pleased to announce the arrival of the Ambassador Donald Y. Yamamoto to head the United States Mission to the Federal Republic of Somalia.  Ambassador Yamamoto is one of the highest-level U.S. ambassadors on the African continent, a symbol of the significance that the United States places on our relationship with the people and government of Somalia.

Ambassador Yamamoto is looking forward to working with sectors of Somali society such as youth leaders, women leaders, educators, community and traditional leaders, civil society groups, business people, Federal Government and Regional Member State officials, and security sector partners to help build a brighter future for Somalia.


For more information, please contact

Janet E. Deutsch

Public Affairs Officer

United States Mission to Somalia

Office  +254-20-363-6644

[email protected]

Visit us at https://so.usmission.gov/


Follow us on Twitter: @US2SOMALIA



  • Nuurkanederland 6 years ago

    Jabaniskaan indhaha yaryar ee Donald Trump kusoo Halgaadey Somaliya waxba noo sheegi maayo why? Doqonkii Trump baasoo direy

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