Sources close to Villa Somalia have shared with Daljir Media that President Hassan Sheikh is now busy organizing a destabilization plan against Puntland together with certain elements of the Puntland opposition. This multi-faceted plan is soon expected to begin in Mogadishu first as a get together for certain Puntland intellectuals who are opposed to President Deni’s leadership. As part of phase one of Puntland destabilization plan, a follow up meeting by some traditional leaders who are affiliated with the opposition group is then expected to begin in Mogadishu.

Villa Somalia sponsored youth leaders forum for some prominent Puntland youth leaders is also expected to follow up the elders meeting in Mogadishu with the same purpose, which is to oppose President Deni’s leadership of Puntland.

Once phase is complete, a second phase is expected to begin with a full force and the blessing of Villa Somalia. Phase two is all about disrupting Puntland security by enlisting former Puntland dervishes as a parrallel force that is affiliated with the Somali National Army (SNA). It was a few days ago when Villa Somalia issued a press release claiming that troops in Puntland under the command of the SNA carried out anti-terror operations in the Golis mountains. This news was immediately denied by the Puntland government, and was interpreted as a message to Puntland with the tacit meaning of “prepare for war.”

There is no information as of yet as to what plans Puntland has in store to counter Villa Somalia’s destabilization plan, which is already said to be underway both in Puntland and in Mogadishu.

In Puntland, there are already signs coming out of a split between the opposition groups with some willing to go along with Villa Somalia while others are adamantly opposed to having anything to do with President Hassan Sheikh.

The Puntland Political Forum, one of Puntland’s key political forums, is already reported to be working against the latest opposition plans and is holding meetings on Puntland policy vis-à-vis the Villa Somalia destabilization plan.

As for the opposition, sources tell Daljir that while some opposition members of the Puntland Political Forum want to work and carry water for Villa Somalia, and even challenge Puntland at the behest of President Hassan Sheikh and against the wishes of the people of Puntland, other members are calling out that challenging the Puntland government isn’t the solution.

Stay tuned to Daljir on the latest news on the deepening conflict between Villa Somalia and Puntland, who is implementing Villa Somalia’s plan in Puntland, the names of the traditional leaders expected to hold the Mogadishu conference, and additional information on political figures behind the destabilization of Puntland.

Contributed to by Daljir staff in Garoowe and Bossaso


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