Xamar (sida ugu dhakhsaha badan): Fursado Shaqo – NORCAP Lataliyayaal

Xamar (sida ugu dhakhsaha badan): Fursado Shaqo – NORCAP Lataliyayaal

Waa fursado xirfadlayaal noqda lataliyayaal arrimaha saxaafadda, isgaarsiinta, maamulka, maareynta, waxbarashada, iyo arrimaha gargaarka. Faahfaahinta iyo habka arjida HALKAN RIIX hoosna arag.


Job description

 Provide both practical and strategic advice in her/his field of expertise.
 Lead in designing and developing an effective strategies in field of expertise, including producing an implementation plan and overseeing its execution.
 Develop and maintain effective relationships with a wide range of stakeholders from the domestic and international community.
 Lead in coaching and mentoring staff on communication matters and thus building capacity.
 Produce a variety of written communications.


 Possess at least eight (8) years of progressive work experience in policy development, preferably within a government department or agency, local or regional administration and/or multifunctional organization.
 Experience of operating and consulting in a complex political environment
 Excellent negotiation skills in order to influence and change opinion;
 Familiarity and proven interest in capacity building and developing practical mentoring processes;
 Solid experience of effectively communicating through clear and persuasive oral, written and personal presentations to a range of stakeholders;
 Familiarity with relevant IT software tools, web page designing and maintenance.

Education field

  • Advertising / Media studies
  • Journalism / Communications
  • Humanities / Maths / Science
  • Administration / Organisation / Management
  • Education
  • Social science
  • Law

Education level

  • Academy college / University


  • maxamed jamac xuseyn 7 years ago

    ASC Magaceygu waa Maxamed Jamac Huseyn waxaan Dhameyay jamacada Horseed waxaan Bartay kulliyada computer sceince and engineering faculty of (information technology IT)waxaan
    Rajeyna inad shaqo li heli insha Allah codsigeygana aad aad tixgeli doontiin
    tell: 252-618-51-49-24
    Email: [email protected]

  • Maxamed mursal 7 years ago

    Anigoo ah maxamed mursal waxaan kacodsanayaa maamulka hay,Adda in Ay IGA shaqaalaysiiyaan hay,Adda .xirfadayda waa caafimaad waxaan haystaa shahaada baajka waxaan si naxriis leh ucodsanayaa in laga aqbali doono

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