Wareysiyo taariikhi ah, taabanaya taxanayaashii dad, dal iyo dawladeed ee Soomaaliya, leh wixii tagey, tilmaamaya taaganaha hadda iyo timaadada filashadeeda.

Gallaadi Youth Demand Overhaul of an administration they describe as “Corrupt and Ineffective”

Madaxweyne Xasan Shiikh oo Xamar Dib ugu soo Laabtay & al-Shabaab oo la Wareegtay Masaajid Cali Gaduud oo Cadale 24 KM u jirta


Wariye Ibraahim Mayow oo aan Weli Warkiisa la Hayn iyo Meel lagu Haysto iyo Weerarada al-Shabaab ee Daafaha Xamar oo sii Kordhiya

Wasaaradda Gaanshaandhigga Mareykanka oo Fadeexad Dhex Dabaalanaya

Denmark, Yurub Saaxiib kii ugu Dhawaa Mareykanka, oo Mareykan ku Yiri, “Saaxiib Fiican ma Tihid oo Fad ama ha Fadin Greenland waa kaala Wareegayaa

Laba Wariye oo Hadda lagu Dilay Gaza

Warbaahinta Reer Galbeedka oo Noqotay Hoyga Faafinta Wararka Been-abuurka

Qorshihii RW Keir Starmer ee Ukraine oo Saraakiisha Ingiriisku ku Sheegeen “Maaweelo Siyaasadeed”

Daandaansiga reer Galbeedka ee Ruushka iyo Shiinaha Xaggee ku Danbeyn Doonaa?

Guddoomiye Kuxigeenka Golaha Ammaanka Ruushka oo Yiri Zelensky waa Jaanki Daroogo Dilootay


Xiisadda Itoobiya iyo Aratariya & Qorshaha Carabta Khaliijka ee Soomaaliya

Agaasimaha Waaxda Qorshaynta ee Wasaaradda Waxbarashadda iyo Tacliinta Sare ee Puntland

Natiijooyinka Tartamadii xalay ee Barnaamijka Aqooneedka Tartan iyo Tacliin

Dagaalka Ruushka iyo NATO u Dhexeeya ee Ukraine Xaggee Marayaa,?

“Hadaan Nahay Beesha Madhibaan Sida Belaha kale oo kale nalooma xisaabsada ” Cawil saleeban

Ciidamada Amxaarada oo Baxir Dar Saaka soo Galay, Hareereeyana Gonder iyo Abiy oo Saaka Walwal Daran la soo Toosay
United Nations (UN) rights body sounds the alarm over South Sudan crisis
The UN Commission warned that failure to uphold the protections enshrined in the accord – including freedom of movement, political participation, and the cessation of hostilities – will lead to a catastrophic return to war
Parliament Approves Landmark Tax and Fiscal Reforms: A Giant Step Towards Economic Transformation
The reforms, spearheaded by Finance Minister Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson, are expected to stimulate economic growth, support businesses, and provide much-needed relief to individuals
Finance Minister Engages United Kingdom (UK) High Commissioner on Ghana’s Economic Outlook
The meeting reaffirmed the strong partnership between Ghana and the UK, with both parties committed to enhancing economic resilience, expanding social safety nets, and advancing climate finance initiatives
Congo Energy & Investment Forum (CEIF) 2025: Collaboration Key to Achieving 500,000 BPD Target
Operators and service providers emphasized the value of industry collaboration in achieving national goals of 500,000 barrels per day in Congo
Billions in Investment Opportunities Presented by Premier Invest at Congo Energy & Investment Forum (CEIF) 2025
Premier Invest has presented a range of investment opportunities, totaling a minimum $1.37 billion, in Africa’s energy and oil and gas sectors at the inaugural Congo Energy & Investment Forum