Godobjiraan: Fursad World Vision (WV)- Baraboosal Mashruuca Nafaqada

Godobjiraan: Fursad World Vision (WV)- Baraboosal Mashruuca Nafaqada

Faahfaahinta hoos arag, fursaduna waxay ku egtahay 17 Luulyo 2017:

WV is looking for an interested and experienced to undertake this evaluation is to document and inform the stakeholders (donors, partners and beneficiaries) of the project’s relevance, effectiveness, sustainability, the potential impact in relation to project outcomes and the lessons learned as per the attached ToR link. https://worldvision.sharefile.com/d-s0a8f0b181ed40c78

Submission Guidelines /Procedures

The Proposal that complies with all of the requirements, meets all the evaluation criteria and offers the best value for money shall be selected and awarded the contract. Any offer that does not meet the requirements shall be rejected.

Please be advised that World Vision Somalia is not bound to accept any proposal, nor award a contract, nor be responsible for any costs associated with a Service Providers preparation and submission of a Proposal, regardless of the outcome or the manner of conducting the selection process.

All applications should be sent electronically to: [email protected]

by Monday the 17th July 2017, with attachments in pdf and a Subject line: Technical & Financial Proposal for End of Godobjiraan Nutrition Project – Phase III


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